
2023-12-26 08:48:17 数码极客 bianji01



跟光磊学Java-HelloWorld程序开发/*分别编译client.c server.c*//*use*//*1.先运行server*//*D:\>client /? *//*2. D:\>client -p:5150 -s: -n:5 *//*server.c*/// Module Name: Server.c// Description:// This example illustrates a simple TCP server that accepts// incoming client connections. Once a client connection is// established, a thread is spawned to read data from the// client and echo it back (if the echo option is not// disabled).// Compile:// cl -o Server Server.c ws2_32.lib// Command line options:// server [-p:x] [-i:IP] [-o]// -p:x Port number to listen on// -i:str Interface to listen on// -o Receive only, dont echo the data back#include #include #include #pragma comment (lib,"ws2_32.lib")#define DEFAULT_PORT 5150#define DEFAULT_BUFFER 4096int iPort = DEFAULT_PORT; // Port to listen for clients onBOOL bInterface = FALSE, // Listen on the specified interfacebRecvOnly = FALSE; // Receive data only; dont echo backchar szAddress[128]; // Interface to listen for clients on// Function: usage// Description:// Print usage information and exitvoid usage()printf("usage: server [-p:x] [-i:IP] [-o]\n\n");printf(" -p:x Port number to listen on\n");printf(" -i:str Interface to listen on\n");printf(" -o Dont echo the data back\n\n");ExitProcess(1);// Function: ValidateArgs// Description:// Parse the command line arguments, and set some global flags// to indicate what actions to performvoid ValidateArgs(int argc, char **argv)for(i = 1; i < argc; i++)if ((argv[i][0] == -) || (argv[i][0] == /))switch (tolower(argv[i][1]))case p:iPort = atoi(&argv[i][3]);case i:bInterface = TRUE;if (strlen(argv[i]) > 3)strcpy(szAddress, &argv[i][3]);case o:bRecvOnly = TRUE;default:usage();// Function: ClientThread// Description:// This function is called as a thread, and it handles a given// client connection. The parameter passed in is the socket// handle returned from an accept() call. This function reads// data from the client and writes it back.DWORD WINAPI ClientThread(LPVOID lpParam)SOCKET sock=(SOCKET)lpParam;char szBuff[DEFAULT_BUFFER];int ret,while(1)// Perform a blocking recv() callret = recv(sock, szBuff, DEFAULT_BUFFER, 0);if (ret == 0) // Graceful closeelse if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)printf("recv() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());szBuff[ret] = \0;printf("RECV: %s\n", szBuff);// If we selected to echo the data back, do itif (!bRecvOnly)nLeft = ret;idx = 0;// Make sure we write all the datawhile(nLeft > 0)ret = send(sock, &szBuff[idx], nLeft, 0);if (ret == 0)else if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)printf("send() failed: %d\n",WSAGetLastError());nLeft -= ret;idx += ret;return 0;// Function: main// Description:// Main thread of execution. Initialize Winsock, parse the// command line arguments, create the listening socket, bind// to the local address, and wait for client main(int argc, char **argv)WSADATA wsd;SOCKET sListen,sClient;int iAddrSize;HANDLE hThread;DWORD dwThreadId;struct sockaddr_in local,client;ValidateArgs(argc, argv);if (WSAStaRTUp(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsd) != 0)printf("Failed to lOAd Winsock!\n");return 1;// Create our listening socketsListen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);if (sListen == SOCKET_ERROR)printf("socket() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());return 1;// Select the local interface and bind to itif (bInterface)local.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(szAddress);if (local.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE)usage();local.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);local.sin_family = AF_INET;local.sin_port = htons(iPort);if (bind(sListen, (struct sockaddr *)&local,sizeof(local)) == SOCKET_ERROR)printf("bind() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());return 1;listen(sListen, 8);// In a continous loop, wait for incoming clients. Once one// is detected, create a thread and pass the handle off to it.while (1)iAddrSize = sizeof(client);sClient = accept(sListen, (struct sockaddr *)&client,&iAddrSize);if (sClient == INVALID_SOCKET)printf("accept() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());printf("Accepted client: %s:%d\n",inet_ntoa(client.sin_addr), ntohs(client.sin_port));hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ClientThread,(LPVOID)sClient, 0, &dwThreadId);if (hThread == NULL)printf("CreateThread() failed: %d\n", GetLastError());CloseHandle(hThread);closesocket(sListen);WSACleanup();return 0;/*client.c*/// Module Name: Client.c// Description:// This sample is the echo client. It connects to the TCP server,// sends data, and reads data back from the server.// Compile:// cl -o Client Client.c ws2_32.lib// Command Line Options:// client [-p:x] [-s:IP] [-n:x] [-o]// -p:x Remote port to send to// -s:IP Servers IP address or hostname// -n:x Number of times to send message// -o Send messages only; dont receive#include #include #include #pragma comment (lib,"ws2_32.lib")#define DEFAULT_COUNT 20#define DEFAULT_PORT 5150#define DEFAULT_BUFFER 2048#define DEFAULT_MESSAGE "hello world"char szServer[128], // Server to connect toszMessage[1024]; // Message to send to severint iPort = DEFAULT_PORT; // Port on server to connect toDWORD dwCount = DEFAULT_COUNT; // Number of times to send messageBOOL bSendOnly = FALSE; // Send data only; dont receive// Function: usage:// Description:// Print usage information and exitvoid usage()printf("usage: client [-p:x] [-s:IP] [-n:x] [-o]\n\n");printf(" -p:x Remote port to send to\n");printf(" -s:IP Servers IP address or hostname\n");printf(" -n:x Number of times to send message\n");printf(" -o Send messages only; dont receive\n");ExitProcess(1);// Function: ValidateArgs// Description:// Parse the command line arguments, and set some global flags// to indicate what actions to performvoid ValidateArgs(int argc, char **argv)for(i = 1; i < argc; i++)if ((argv[i][0] == -) || (argv[i][0] == /))switch (tolower(argv[i][1]))case p: // Remote portif (strlen(argv[i]) > 3)iPort = atoi(&argv[i][3]);case s: // Serverif (strlen(argv[i]) > 3)strcpy(szServer, &argv[i][3]);case n: // Number of times to send messageif (strlen(argv[i]) > 3)dwCount = atol(&argv[i][3]);case o: // Only send message; dont receivebSendOnly = TRUE;default:usage();// Function: main// Description:// Main thread of execution. Initialize Winsock, parse the// command line arguments, create a socket, connect to the// server, and then send and receive main(int argc, char **argv)WSADATA wsd;SOCKET sClient;char szBuffer[DEFAULT_BUFFER];int ret,struct sockaddr_in server;struct hostent *host = NULL;// Parse the command line and load WinsockValidateArgs(argc, argv);if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsd) != 0)printf("Failed to load Winsock library!\n");return 1;strcpy(szMessage, DEFAULT_MESSAGE);// Create the socket, and attempt to connect to the serversClient = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);if (sClient == INVALID_SOCKET)printf("socket() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());return 1;server.sin_family = AF_INET;server.sin_port = htons(iPort);server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(szServer);// If the supplied server address wasnt in the form// "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd" its a hostname, so try to resolve itif (server.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE)host = gethostbyname(szServer);if (host == NULL)printf("Unable to resolve server: %s\n", szServer);return 1;CopyMemory(&server.sin_addr, host->h_addr_list[0],host->h_length);if (connect(sClient, (struct sockaddr *)&server,sizeof(server)) == SOCKET_ERROR)printf("connect() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());return 1;// Send and receive datafor(i = 0; i < dwCount; i++)ret = send(sClient, szMessage, strlen(szMessage), 0);if (ret == 0)else if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)printf("send() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());printf("Send %d bytes\n", ret);if (!bSendOnly)ret = recv(sClient, szBuffer, DEFAULT_BUFFER, 0);if (ret == 0) // Graceful closeelse if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)printf("recv() failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());szBuffer[ret] = \0;printf("RECV [%d bytes]: %s\n", ret, szBuffer);closesocket(sClient);WSACleanup();return 0;






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